Publications / Scientific Publications /

Performance evaluation of a two detector camera for real-time video


Single pixel imaging can be the preferred method over traditional 2D-array imaging in spectral ranges where conventional cameras are not available. However, when it comes to real-time video imaging, single pixel imaging cannot compete with the framerates of conventional cameras, especially when high-resolution images are desired. Here we evaluate the performance of an imaging approach using two detectors simultaneously. First, we present theoretical results on how low SNR affects final image quality followed by experimentally determined results. Obtained video framerates were doubled compared to state of the art systems, resulting in a framerate from 22 Hz for a 32×3232×32 resolution to 0.75 Hz for a 128×128128×128resolution image. Additionally, the two detector imaging technique enables the acquisition of images with a resolution of 256×256256×256 in less than 3 s.

© 2016 Optical Society of America

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