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Adaptation to the eye’s chromatic aberration measured with an adaptive optics visual simulator


Some aspects of vision after correcting the longitudinal chromatic aberration (LCA)of the eye are not yet completely understood. For instance, correcting the LCA notably altersthe through focus visual acuity (VA) curve, but it does not improve the best VA obtained for thenatural case. In this work, vision with corrected LCA is further investigated by using an adaptiveoptics visual simulator (AOVS). VA was measured continuously during 20 minutes in 5 subjectsunder both natural and corrected LCA conditions to explore possible adaptation effects. Lowcontrast VA as a function of time exhibited a consistent and significant boost of 0.19 in decimalscale after an average time of 10.9 minutes of continuous testing. For high contrast, only onesubject showed a similar increase in VA. These results suggest that some LCA neural adaptationmay exist, particularly for low contrast. This adaptation impacts the performance of vision undercorrected LCA, and possibly prevents measurement for immediate visual benefit. The resultshave practical implications for the design and visual testing of optical aids, especially thosecorrecting, or altering, the LCA.

© 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement


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